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Fix-it-Kits and Zines

GOAT offers free “Fix-it-kits”, small pencil-pouch sized bags containing essential tools and materials for mobility gear maintenance and emergency repair.

The kits come with a 24-page pocket zine, with space to record essential info about a wheelchair, powerchair, scooter, walker, rollator, or other devices.

There are helpful tips for inspecting and cleaning mobility gear, for checking and securing bolts and screws, wheel maintenance, and more. We also suggest how a person can build a more substantial home maintenance and repair toolkit.

Finally, we dive a little ways into modifying and adding to mobility devices, as well as describing current Right to Repair laws and activism in the United States.

This initial Fix-It-Kit zine will be available free online and in person at GOAT events. (Here it is! fit-it-zine-1a)

We plan to add expanded versions of the zine in Braille and potentially creating versions of it in other languages. If you are interested in translating the zine, please contact

Future zines may go deeper into subjects like electronics, battery maintenance, and complex repairs and modifications.

a zippered tool pouch showing a mini screwdriver, wrench, hex keys, and mini roll of gaffer tape next to a colorful zine