GOAT offers free “Fix-it-kits”, small pencil-pouch sized bags containing essential tools and materials for mobility gear maintenance and emergency repair.
The kits come with a 24-page pocket zine, with space to record essential info about a wheelchair, powerchair, scooter, walker, rollator, or other devices.
There are helpful tips for inspecting and cleaning mobility gear, for checking and securing bolts and screws, wheel maintenance, and more. We also suggest how a person can build a more substantial home maintenance and repair toolkit.
Finally, we dive a little ways into modifying and adding to mobility devices, as well as describing current Right to Repair laws and activism in the United States.
This initial Fix-It-Kit zine will be available free online and in person at GOAT events. (Here it is! fit-it-zine-1a)
We plan to add expanded versions of the zine in Braille and potentially creating versions of it in other languages. If you are interested in translating the zine, please contact liz@openassistivetech.org.
Future zines may go deeper into subjects like electronics, battery maintenance, and complex repairs and modifications.